Here you will find links to other websites that have speleological interest, including caving areas, sites about caving and other caving group pages. SSS takes no responsibility for information provided on these pages as it is totally outside of our control. Click on the links below to go to these pages they will open in a new browser window.
The Society receives enquiries about web site linking. The webmaster puts such requests to the Committee for approval. All approved links are placed on relevant pages of the SSS web site. However, the Society will not approve banner ads, nor links to commercial sites, that are unrelated to at least some aspect of speleology.
ASF - Australian Speleological Federation
Jenolan Caves Reserve Trust - Caves Reserve Trust
NUCC - National University Caving Club
CSS - Canberra Speleological Society Inc
- Blue Mountains Speleological Club
NHVSS - Newcastle and Hunter Valley Speleological Society
SUSS - Sydney University Speleological Society
CEGSA - Cave Exploration Group (South Australia) Incorporated
STCA - Southern Tasmanian Caverneers Inc.
VSA - Victorian Speleological Association Inc.
WASG - Western Australia Speleological Group